Last night I was showing my parents my nice, beautiful, sleek, fast, wonderful new MacBook that my wife bought for me. I decided that I wanted to use Photo Booth to shoot a quick video of around their house. After I shot the video, I was having some problems of Photo Booth wanting to shut down. Well, no need to worry because Apple, Inc. has the #1 rated customer service. So the next morning (this morning) I called 1-800-MY-APPLE, and we quickly discerned that the problems were not with Photo Booth but rather with a 3rd party application that I had "Migrated" from my iMac in my office. What did we do? Well, we trashed the 3rd party application (I don't even know why I had it to begin with), and walla...problem solved. Oh, here's the video that I shot...I'm sure you're stoked to see it.