This is more of a random post, not the type where I'm sitting with information in hand. In other words, this will probably end up more as sharing a thought that I am currently pondering.
What is your leadership style? Some have a very autocratic style of leadership, others have a passive-aggressive style (both, I'd say, may not be so healthy), still another might lead in an entirely different style. I think Christ illustrates a great example of positive, godly, and successful leadership. His leadership style, while he was with his disciples was deeply routed in relationships. First, Christ had a relationship with his heavenly Father. Such that, when Christ was faced with the greatest challenge he showed trust and submission to God and to His plans; "'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will'" (Matthew 26:39, New International Version). Second he had a unique relationship with his disciples. Throughout the New Testament we see examples of how Jesus Christ taught by showing his disciples in the process of ministry, then involving them as He was teaching them, and finally by stepping back and allowing his disciples to work from what they've learned from Him. As leaders we have a responsibility to those whom we lead, and as Christians we ultimately have a responsibility to God. Relationships are not the only key to great leadership, it also involves continual learning in ones field, being willing to assume risk based on ones best judgment and knowledge, and more.
When I was a kid, I had a t-shirt that had a picture of one fish swimming against a stream of other fish. As a leader, this is what is required; paving the path that others have not chosen to take. As a Christian, even if one doesn't have a leadership role in a church or a ministry, often times having that relationship with Christ means that we will, at times, have to go against the flow of culture.
Please understand that I'm not a professional in understanding leadership, and I don't acclaim to be. However, one can find many books to glean from and to gather insights on a subject that people will always be growing in. After all, this subject does deserve such attention.
Oh by the way, Jesus knew that his disciples would not succeed every time, but that's a part of leadership. After all, only One on earth has been perfect.
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