Tuesday, February 3, 2009


www.dictionary.com defines "Mentoring" as, "To serve as a trusted counselor or teacher, especially in occupational settings." I believe that mentoring is very important, especially in today's world. Whether one is picking up a younger "up and comer" in their profession, or a couple of friends connecting to hold each other accountable and to build the other up, I believe mentoring is one key to the success of the future of today's society. More importantly, as a Christian, I believe that Christians mentoring other Christians is vital for the movement of God. Today's society challenges the young Christian to question the validity of God, the truth of Scripture, and the experience and encounter of the Holy Spirit. What a mature Christian mentor brings to the table of a young Christian is the battle scars of life, the life experience of knowing that God is a God who will never leave or forsake. By looking at the very definition of "Mentoring" given from www.dictionary.com, I believe that we can learn three defining lessons in mentoring. 1. Service. In my occupation, service is a key way of life. Service involves volunteering, a caring heart, and a desire to make a significant difference in society and in one's life. Mentoring involves all of this. A mentor needs to have a serving heart and attitude; one who understands that what they are doing is making a difference in a person's life and in our future. 2. Real. People are attracted to other's who are real. One who bleeds red, cries real tears, has real successes as well as real failures, and one who holds their head hi while learning from lifes experiences. As a Christian, other people what to see one growing in the Lord, and not just holding a psuedo-reality of, "I've arrived." A real person is one who other's want to learn from and follow. 3. Commitment. I think commitment is a basic in relationships. People don't open up to others and a relationship can't grow if one doesn't feel that the other is committed to the relationship in listening, learning, and being their for them. Also, in mentoring, (as well as life), both change and growth takes time. People will see lasting results if they stay committed in mentoring. So who are you mentoring, and who are you allowing to mentor you. Finding a quality mentor and being a quality mentor takes time...don't give up.

1. service
2. real
3. commitment

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